HeroStats is a feature-rich program, and below is is a list of the
features it offers.
- HeroStats is a full Open Source project with an active community. It
costs you no money to use HeroStats, but more importantly, all the source
code is available to you. Curious how HeroStats works? Want to add new
features? Want to use HeroStats in your own programs? You are free to do
with it as you want (provided, of course, you follow the License).
- Where applicable, HeroStats tracks a statistic’s current
rate per minute and per hour. The following statistics are tracked:
- Amount of experience received.
- Amount of debt paid.
- Amount of influence received.
- Number of villains defeated (by both you and your team).
- Villains defeated where you had the final blow (more useful for
blaster and scrapper archetypes than controllers).
- Average damage for a power.
- A power’s accuracy.
- Damage dealt by a power. HeroStats will also track any additional
damage over time.
- Damage dealt by damage type.
- Number of critical hits with a power.
- Percentage rate of a critical hits for a power.
- Number of times a power is used.
- Last recharge time for a power.
- Injuries received by a villain by villain name.
- Injuries received by a villain by damage type.
- Number of endurance drains from villains.
- Number of specific villains defeated.
- Number of buffs given and received.
- Amount of heals given and received.
- Number of status effect changes (hold, sleep, and stun).
- Amount of time spent in status effects.
- Number and type of loop drops (inspirations and enhancements).
- Number of times inspirations are used.
- Number of times defeated.
- And more are being added all the time!
- In-game UI that shows “essential” information while you
are playing.
- Current experience points received per minute (or per hour if you
- Amount of experience needed until the next level.
- Estimated time remaining until the next level.
- Amount of experience debt left.
- Estimated time until your hero no longer has debt.
- In-game window color indicates your sidekick or exemplar
status. It turns red when your combat level is below your security
level (exemplar), green when your combat level is above your
security level (sidekick), and blue when they are equal. The window
also turn red when you have leveled but have not yet trained.
- Countdown timers showing how long before a power recharges.
- Countdown timers showing how much longer a power lasts (i.e.,
buff timers).
- The current system time (so you can realize you are playing at
3am again).
- The length of your current play session.
- The power/buff timers shown in the window can be tweaked to only show
specific powers or powers that last longer that a certain
duration. Additionally, the total number of timers shown can be
- Damage received indicators that specify the damage types of recent
- Amount of experience gained from the last villain defeated.
- HeroStats has built in graphing support to display plots of your
hero’s performance.
- The main UI shows your hero’s statistics in tabbed pages.
These pages can be customized showsing the statistics that you
- You can create custom statistics on a per-hero basis. These custom
statistics can be tracked numerically in one of the tabs or they can be
plotted on a graph.
- Scoreboards to show what loot has been dropped by villains and what
villains your hero has the final blow.
- A list of all chat messages captured from City of Heroes.
- The detail windows (both the scoreboards and the chat message window)
are searchable. Just right-click in the window to search and copy the
information to the clipboard.
- The main HeroStats UI can be toggled always on top so the full UI can be
seen while playing full screen.
- The timer can be reset so you can get a compute statistics in a time
period that is of interest to you (such as during a mission).
- You can reset individual statistics or all the statistics at once.
- Pausable timer to temporarily stop the per minute and per hour rates
from changing.
- HeroStats is able to merge multiple save files together into a single
file. All the statistics will be updated accordingly.
- The HeroStats save files (.HSD) are well-formed XML files
for easy importing into other programs and tools.
- Additionally, the HeroStats save files can be saved in a compressed
(ZIP) format to save on disk space.
- Save files are automatically switched when changing heroes. Also,
the save files can be saved and created automatically by HeroStats so
you will never lose any statistics.
- HeroStats has hero-specific configuration settings allowing you to tweak
HeroStats differently for the different heroes you play.
- The buff duration times and targeting types are easily changeable in
case the times are changed by Cryptic.
- Statistics can be copied from the main UI to the clipboard so they can
be pasted into another program.
- The save file contains the chat log for your hero. By default, HeroStats
will only track messages it cares directly about; however, you can configure
it to save the entire chat log.
- HeroStats automatically calibrates itself to the current City of Heroes
client. This means HeroStats will work immediately after a patch and it will
also function on the test servers.
- The messages that HeroStats scans can be altered, so you can fine tune
what HeroStats logs.
- Sounds can be played when your hero is affected by status effects
(sleep, hold, and stun).
- Sounds can be played when a power recharges. Each power can be assigned
a specific sound file to be played.
- A pass-through mode that allows direct-to-file logging of chat messages
without statistical analysis or saving of messages in memory. This allows
the messages to be later used by external programs.
- HeroStats can log raw messages only and generate no statistics. Users
can then recalculate statistics at their convenience.
- The in-game window remembers its location between runs, and can be
configured to come up automatically when starting HeroStats.
- Printing and print preview support with four reports: Chat Messages,
Statistics, Villains Fought, and Drops.
- Automatically checks for new releases so your HeroStats installation
stays up to date.
- Uses Windows XP themes, if enabled.
- Integration with City Game Tracker
and City Info Terminal for user online
status and badge tracking.