Many of the questions most commonly asked by HeroStats users are
related directly to a particular City of Heroes/Villains power. The term
"power" here refers not only to actual player powers, but also NPC attacks,
inspirations, procs from IOs, etc. This is only a partial list, not all
powers are covered here.
This list is current (though not complete) as of April 18, 2010.
Incorrect Statistics Issues
The following section lists issues that prevent HeroStats from correctly
tracking statistics.
Controller Accuracy - Containment
The Controller inherent power Containment can cause
inflated accuracy for many powers, because Containment duplicates the
damage message for those powers. Since this can affect most Controller
powers, those powers are not listed individually below. This affects
only "Power Accuracy" statistics, not "Player Accuracy".
Missing or Incorrect Power Name in Messages
The power messages either do not contain the power name or have the
wrong name, so HeroStats cannot reliably determine which power generated
the message. This affects some or all of the messages generated by the
following powers:
- Ablating Strike
- Absorb Pain
- Accelerate Metabolism
- Acid Arrow (NPC Ninja Mastermind version)
- Adrenalin Boost (NPC version)
- Aim
- Amplify
- Arachnos Shotgun Frag Grenade (NPC)
- Beguile
- Biological Mutagens
- Black Dwarf Drain
- Blazing Arrow (Blaster only, Defender version is correct)
- Calling the Wolf
- Cauterize
- Challenge
- Crushing Field
- Cryonite Armor
- Essence of the Earth (inspiration)
- Fly
- Frozen Armor
- Glowing Touch
- Healing Aura
- Heal Other
- Kuji-In Retsu
- Nimble Slash
- Power Slice
- Rock Armor
- Share Pain
- Smoke Flash
- Plasma Shield (Buff received message)
- Radiant Aura
- Rise to the Challenge
- Thermal Shield (Corruptor version)
- Typhoon's Edge
- Vengeful Slice
- Warrior's Challenge
- Warmth
- There is no power name in messages of the form "{Source} {AttackWord}
{Target} for {Damage} points of {DamageType} damage". These are generated
with various attack words like "blasts", "hits", "shoots", or "smacks".
Each attack word is generated by multiple powers, so there's no way to
distinguish between them. This is sometimes followed by a debuff message (i.e.
"and slows you"), which again is generated by multiple powers.
- The message "You are now Stealthy." is used by many different powers, so
there's no way to distinguish between them.
- Most proc IO messages are missing a power name to identify them.
Missing or Invalid Source/Target Name in Messages
The power messages either do not contain the name of the source or target of
the power (or have the wrong name), so HeroStats cannot reliably determine the
source or target name. This affects some or all of the messages generated by the
following powers:
- Accelerate Metabolism
- Achilles' Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff
- Biological Mutagens
- Bile Spray (Dominator version has player name rather than target name)
- Black Dwarf Mire (Damage-taken message has player name rather than target name)
- Fire Blast (Ninja pet version has "you" rather than target name)
- Grant Invisibility (No target name shown to caster)
- Glacial Shield (No source name shown to target)
- Ice Shield (No source name shown to target)
- Plasma Shield
- Thermal Shield (Corruptor version)
- Siphon Power (No source name shown to target)
- Speed Boost (Corruptor version has no target name shown to caster)
Multiple Identical Hit Messages - Multiple Target
There are multiple identical damage messages generated by a multiple-target
power. Accuracy cannot be tracked since there is no way to tell if two messages
mean one target hit twice, or two targets hit once each. This affects the following
- Arctic Breath
- Atomic Blast
- Bullet Rain
- Crushing Field
- Empty Clips
- Fire Breath
- Flamethrower
- Frost
- Frost Breath
- Hail of Bullets
- Sands of Mu
- Shadow Maul
No Hit Message
There are no messages indicating that the power has hit a target,
so HeroStats cannot track damage dealt or buffs/debuffs. This affects
messages generated by the following powers:
- Blizzard
- Detonator
- Energy Manipulator: Chance to Stun
- Executioners Contract: Disorient Bonus
- Freezing Rain
- Fulcrum Shift (Corruptor version)
- Ice Storm
- Pounding Slugfest: Disorient Bonus
- Rain of Arrows
- Thunder Clap (Controller version)
No Unique Activation Message
There is not a single unique message generated for activation of the power.
Some of these powers may have activation messages, but more than one is generated
if a legal target for the power is nearby. This affects messages generated by the
following powers:
- Arctic Fog
- Blizzard (Corruptor version)
- Chilling Embrace
- Choking Cloud
- Darkest Night
- Dispersion Bubble
- Disruption Field
- Enervating Field
- Group Energy Flight
- Group Fly
- Hurricane
- Invincibility
- Radiation Infection
- Rise to the Challenge
- Shadow Fall
- Snow Storm
- Steamy Mist
- Sonic Dispersion
Player Accuracy Statistic - Secondary Effects
"Player Accuracy" for many powers with a secondary effect is
incorrect. This is because the hit-miss combat log messages for
these powers contain identical messages for both the main power and the
secondary effect. These powers are not individually listed below.
This affects only "Player Accuracy" statistics, not "Power Accuracy".
Inconsistent/Incorrect Message Issues
For some powers, it is possible to track proper statistics in HeroStats,
but the log messages still contain errors or inconsistencies. These powers
are listed below. None of these should affect HeroStats users directly,
but they are listed here for completeness.
Multiple Identical Hit Messages - Single Target
There are multiple identical damage messages generated by a single-target
power. Accuracy can still be tracked by the activation and miss messages rather
than the damage messages. This affects the following powers:
- Ablating Strike
- Barb Swipe
- Burst
- Char
- Chilblain
- Crey CBX-9 Pistol
- Crush
- Dual Wield
- Electric Fence
- Entangle
- Fettering Nimbus
- Flurry
- Frenzy
- Gloom
- Gravimetric Snare
- Gravity Distortion
- Incinerate
- Longfang
- Nimble Slash
- Nullifier Gun Prototype
- Nullifier Gun Mk I
- Poisonous Ray
- Moderate Opening
- Particle Cannon
- Proton Volley
- Ring of Fire
- Scream
- Shocking Bolt
- Shocking Grasp
- Siphon Power
- Soul Storm
- Stolen Immobilizer Ray
- Stolen SMG
- Stone Prison
- Strangler
- Suppression
- Swipe
- Thermite Cannon
- Typhoon's Edge
- Vengeful Slice
Identical Messages for Different Powers
Some messages appear identical but actually have different effects.
This affects the following powers:
- Indomitable Will (Controller version is a click, other versions are toggles)
Inconsistent Messages for Identical Powers Across Powersets
These powers appear in multiple powersets, but the messages are different
depending on which powerset the power appears in. This affects the following
- Absorb Pain (Controller and Defender versions are different)
- Acid Arrow (TA Controller/Defender are the same, TA Mastermind is different)
- Ablating Strike (Defense reduction clause is different for each AT)
- Aim (Corruptor Radiation Blast, Defender Radiation Blast, and Dominator Thorny Assault versions are different from all the others)
- Aimed Shot (Blaster version different from Defender and Mastermind versions)
- Animate Stone (Controller version has a pet-summoned message, Dominator version does not)
- Assault (Player and NPC versions are different)
- Atomic Blast (Defender, Corruptor, and NPC versions all have differences)
- Ball Lightning (Regular powersets, villain patron pools, and NPC versions are all different)
- Barb Swipe (Scrapper, Stalker, and NPC versions are different)
- Barrage (Player and NPC versions are different)
- Benumb (Corruptor and Defender end drain messages are different)
- Bitter Freeze Ray (Blaster and Corruptor damage-taken messages are different)
- Bitter Ice Blast (Blaster, Corruptor, and NPC versions are different)
- Black Hole (Mastermind and Corruptor are the same, Defender is different)
- Blackstar (Corruptor, Defender, and NPC versions are different)
- Blaze (Corruptor and NPC damage-taken messages are different; Blaster damage-taken message appears to be missing)
- Blazing Aura (Blaster version different from all other ATs)
- Blazing Bolt (Corruptor and Dominator are the same, Blaster is different)
- Blinding Feint (Tanker messages are different from the rest)
- Burst (Each player powerset and the NPC versions are different)
- Char (Player and pet versions are different)
- Chilblain (Blaster, Controller, ancillary pool, and NPC versions are different)
- Choking Cloud (Corruptor version has no hit message, Controller and Defender versions do)
- Cloak of Fear (Brute and Scrapper versions are different)
- Confront (Some scrapper versions are different than all the others)
- Dark Embrace (Regular powersets, villain patron pools, and NPC versions are all different)
- Detention Field (Mastermind version different from Controller and Defender versions)
- Dull Pain (Scrapper version is different than others)
- Electric Fence (Blaster and ancillary pool versions are different)
- EM Pulse (Ancillary pool version different from regular versions)
- Energy Torrent (Regular AT, ancillary pool, and NPC versions are all different)
- Fearsome Stare (Defender version different from Controller and Mastermind versions)
- Force Bolt (Mastermind version different from Controller and Defender versions)
- Frozen Armor (Tanker version is different than others)
- Fulcrum Shift (Corruptor version is different than others)
- Glacial Shield (Corruptor and Defender versions are different)
- Gloom (Corruptor, Defender, and NPC versions are different)
- Gravity Distortion Field (Controller and Dominator versions are different)
- Healing Flames (Brute, Scrapper, and Tanker versions are all different)
- Ice Arrow (Mastermind version different from Controller and Defender versions)
- Ice Shield (Corruptor and Defender versions are different)
- Insulation Shield (Mastermind version is correct, others are missing end drain clause)
- Lingering Radiation (Corruptor version is different than others)
- Minerals (Brute and Tanker messages are different)
- Moment of Glory (Scrapper and Stalker messages are different)
- Obsidian Shield (Brute, Stalker, and Scrapper/Tanker versions are different)
- Power Sink (Blaster and Brute messages are different)
- Rage (Brute and Tanker messages are different)
- Slug (Blaster and Corruptor versions are different)
- Soul Drain (Blaster, Corruptor, and NPC versions are different)
- Strangler (Controller and Dominator versions are different)
- Thermal Shield (Corruptor buff has Fire Shield rather than Thermal Shield in message name, but Controller version is correct)
- One with the Shield (Scrapper version is different than others)
- Oppressive Gloom (Scrapper and Tanker versions have more hit messages than other versions)
- Poison Gas Arrow (Mastermind version different from Controller and Defender versions)
- Power Push (Blaster and Corruptor messages are different)
- Proton Volley (Corruptor and Defender PvP messages are different)
- Repulsion Bomb (Mastermind version different from Controller and Defender versions)
- Repulsion Field (Mastermind version different from Controller and Defender versions)
- Ring of Fire (Blaster and Controller PvP messages are different)
- Scream (Blaster and Corruptor messages are different)
- Shockwave (Blaster and Corruptor messages are different)
- Siphon Power (Corruptor version is different than others)
- Siphon Speed (Corruptor version is different than others)
- Sleet (Corruptor and Defender messages are different)
- Snow Storm (Regular powersets, villain patron pools, and NPC versions are all different)
- Sonic Haven (Corruptor version is different than others)
- Sonic Repulsion (Corruptor and Defender messages are different)
- Speed Boost (Corruptor version has no target name shown to caster, others are correct)
- Taunt (Some tanker versions are different than all the others)
- Thaw (Controller and Corruptor versions are different)
- Thunder Clap (Controller, Defender, and Corruptor versions are all different)
- Total Focus (Dominator version is different than others)
- Transference (Corruptor version is different than others)
- Transfusion (Corruptor version is different than others)
Incorrect Power Messages
These powers have one or more messages with spelling errors, typos, or other
incorrect information. This affects the following powers:
- Ablating Strike (Stalker Sweep knockdown bonus has 'of' instead of 'off')
- Achilles' Heel: Chance for Resistance Debuff (missing apostrophe and period)
- Against All Odds (comma should be semicolon)
- Alkaloid (Buff message says you instead of your)
- Apprentice Charm ('a' instead of 'an')
- Arachnos Power Shield ('You are now practically Arachnos Power Shield!')
- Assemble the Team (Extra space before the player name, missing period)
- Basilisk's Gaze: Chance for Recharge Slow (missing apostrophe and period)
- Beheader (Brute and Tank versions say Gash in damage messages)
- Blackstar (Some messages have 'your' instead of 'you')
- Cage of Lightning (Villain pet version is missing a period on the end drain message, and the pet hit message says it drains your endurance rather than the target's endurance)
- Energy Torrent (Blaster version has 'deal' instead of 'dealing')
- EM Pulse (Some NPC versions list the power name as Power Surge)
- Essence of the Earth (inspiration) says it protects from the Crystal
Titan's powers, but should say Hamidon's powers to distinguish it from Ambrosia.
- Fortune Telling (All buff messages are missing a period at the end)
- Frostwork (Buff received message says 'has increases' which should be 'has increased'; Defender and NPC versions have 'or' instead of 'of')
- Ground Smash (RedCap NPC power's damage-taken message has 'your' instead of 'you')
- Heat Loss (Buff/debuff messages have 'your' instead of 'you' and 'enemies' instead of 'enemy's')
- Liquefy (Damage message is missing a period)
- Neutron Bomb(Various NPC powers' damage-taken messages have 'you' instead of 'your')
- Overload (Crash message has 'Recovery' instead of 'recover')
- Painbringer (Mastermind version) can produce knockdown messages.
- Photon Seekers (knockdown messages have extra spaces and missing puncuation)
- Power Sink (Blaster end drain target message is missing a period)
- Repair (Heal message is missing a period)
- Resurgence (Inspiration message is missing a period)
- Shocking Grasp (Some messages have 'your' instead of 'you')
- Slug (Some messages have 'your' instead of 'you')
- Stimulant (Buff received message has an extra 'I' in immobilization)
- Stupefy: Chance for Knockback (missing period)
- Suppress Pain (Extra space in the buff message after 'of')
- Tenebrous Tentacles (Some NPC damage messages have the power name listed twice)
- Time Bomb (Some damage messages have 'a' instead of 'from a'.)
- Transference (Endurance buff message is missing a period)
Missing Power Messages
These powers have one or more types of messages missing. This affects the
following powers:
- Blazing Aura (no activation message)
- Domination (no buff received message)
- Power Surge (no buff received message)
- Cloak of Fear (no activation message)
- Death Shroud (no activation message)
- Icicles (no activation message)
- Oppressive Gloom (no activation message)
- Orbiting Death (no activation message)
- Resurgence (no buff received message)
Open Questions
The following section lists open questions which need more research before they can
be classified as issues.
Unknown Multiple Hit Messages
It is not clear if these powers have multiple Hit messages or not. HeroStats tracks the
accuracy on these powers, but if there are multiple hit messages then the accuracy percentage
will be too high. This affects the following powers:
Unknown Miss Messages
It is not clear if these powers have miss messages or not. HeroStats tracks the accuracy
on these powers, but if the miss messages are not there then it will always be either zero
or 100%. This affects the following powers:
- Acid Mortar
- Aura of Confusion
Unknown Activation Messages
It is not clear if these powers have useful activation messages or not. HeroStats attempts
to track activation of these powers, but it may not be accurate. This affects the following
- Assault
- Aura of Confusion
- Death Shroud (Tanker version)
- Grant Cover
- Maneuvers
- Tactics