Below are some various screenshots from HeroStats and a short description of each.
This is the first screen that HeroStats shows. This tab shows every statistic that is tracked by HeroStats. Everything here is shown in one of the other tabs, but sometimes it is nice to see everything at once.
On this (and, in fact, all) of the statistics tabs, statistics are presented in categories, with each category represented by a dark blue gradient bar that stretches across the panel. The small + and - button on the category bar can be used to collapse or expand the category, depending on your interest.
Any category that only has one statistic in it will not show a category bar and will be positioned to the far left margin. When a second statistic appears in that category, the dark blue bar will automatically be added, and the statistics under it will be indented.
The Main Tab displays the most essential statistics, such as experience and influence received.
The Graph Tab displays some graphs based on your hero’s data. The graphs can be customized. In this screenshot the default graph is shown that displays basic information such as experience over time and debt paid over time.
The Battles Tab shows statistics that are related to combat, such as the amount of injuries villains inflict on you and the amount of damage your hero has done of each type. HeroStats makes consistant use of the terms “injuries” and “damage” to differentiate between “incoming” and “outgoing” damage.
The Powers Tab shows statistics that are directly related to a power, such as average damage, a power’s accuracy, or the recharge time of a power.
This Miscellaneous Tab shows statistics that do not fit into any other tab.
The main window for HeroStats can be switched to a smaller, in-game display that is always visible while playing City of Heroes. It is designed to give you real-time information about your gameplay in contrast to the long-term statistics that the larger main window shows. Through the configuration options, you can choose exactly what the in-game display shows on a per-hero basis, allowing you the ability to customize it to fit each particular archetype and playing style. The in-game window features the following information:
As you can see, the in-game display is capable of displaying a lot of information, but it allows for almost complete customization. This screenshot shows what the in-game display looks like at its most basic level:
The four buttons in the upper-right corner allow you to toggle displaying the buff timers, pause/resume the statistic calculation (perhaps while you train), completely reset all of your statistics (perhaps between missions), and close this window restoring the main HeroStats UI.
This following screenshot shows the in-game display during a battle. By default it positions itself near the targeting display, but you can move it wherever you want it. In addition, this screenshot shows the power recharge, the buff timers, and the damage type indicators.
Taking a look at the window from top to bottom, we can see that, for this hero:
This screenshot shows the dropped items scoreboard. This window displays what inspirations and enhancements have been dropped by villains.
This screenshot shows the villains scoreboard. It displays how many villains your hero had the final blow on. In addition, it shows how much damage has been inflicted between you and the villain.