There are several HeroStats-related mailing lists used for discussion. Use whichever list is appropriate for your comment. If you are unsure which list to use, then start with the general discussion list.
This is a read-only list that the HeroStats team uses to announce various topics related to HeroStats (new versions being the most common). The traffic on this list is very low, and you can expect a single message every month on the average.
This list can be used to report and discuss bugs that you might have found in HeroStats. Bug reports generated from HeroStats itself are also sent to this list. Bug reports are always welcome. Feature requests should be sent to the General Discussions list instead of this list.
This list should be used for general discussion about HeroStats. Questions, comments, and feature requests are good topics for this list. If you are unsure which list to use, then you should since your message to this mailing list.
This list is used to discuss the development of HeroStats. Message sent here will discuss the inner-workings of HeroStats, the design of new features, and other such software engineering topics.