Only a Microsoft Windows installer is provided for HeroStats Unstable builds. The source code can be downloaded directly from Subversion. Please see Subversion Access for more details. This page only shows the most recent version of HeroStats, but older versions are available from the SourceForge file releases.
HeroStats requires that you have Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher installed. The HeroStats installer will detect whether or not Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is installed on your computer. If it is not, then it will download and install the needed files. Please note the installer will download and install the English language version of Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. If you require a different language or version, then ensure it is installed before installing HeroStats.
HeroStats must also be installed on the computer you play City of Heroes.
Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2k/XP are supported. Microsoft Windows 95 is not.
You will need to download and run the HeroStats installer. This will setup HeroStats on your computer. You may also want to review the release notes before running HeroStats.
HeroStats Unstable source code is available from Subversion only. Please see Subversion Access for details how to download the source.
Using HeroStats is fairly painless. Simply start HeroStats and City of Heroes on the same computer. It does not matter which order you start the programs. HeroStats is able to save your hero’s statistics across gameplay sessions, and you can open old files via File | Open. Please note that whatever hero you are playing will collated into whatever file you have opened. It is highly recommended that you use a single data file per hero.