Release date: 25 Sep 2011
Copyright © 2005-2011 by The HeroStats Team
The HeroStats team is pleased to release this new version of HeroStats. This release contains several bug fixes and new features. These release notes contain any information that we feel is important for our users to know.
HeroStats is a statistical analyzer for the game City of Heroes. HeroStats runs alongside City of Heroes and monitors your hero’s progress in game. It pulls information directly from City of Heroes to generate many statistics about your hero’s performance. A full feature list is too comprehensive to list here—see the HeroStats web site at
It is important that you have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or higher installed to prevent crashes. In addition, HeroStats must be run on the same computer as City of Heroes.
To install HeroStats, simply run the HeroStats-x.x.x.x.exe installation executable that you downloaded. Setup will detect whether or not Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or higher is installed on your computer. If it is not, then setup will download and install the needed files. Please note the setup will download and install the English language version of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. If you require a different language or version, ensure it is installed before installing HeroStats.
To uninstall HeroStats, simply run the “Uninstall HeroStats” shortcut in HeroStats group from the Start menu. Alternatively, you can run Uninstall.exe in the directory where HeroStats was installed (default directory: C:\Program Files\HeroStats). The uninstaller will completely remove all installed files.
HeroStats data files (e.g., the files created from File | Save in HeroStats) and user configuration settings are not deleted by the uninstaller.
This section lists all known issues with this release of HeroStats at the time this document was published. A more complete list can be found in the known issues sections of the release notes on the HeroStats website. Some of these issues are problems with HeroStats, but some issues are outside our control. If your problem is not listed below, or you can provide more feedback about a listed problem, then please submit a bug report. See Getting Support & Submitting Bug Reports for more information.
New patches on the Test Server often cause problems with HeroStats. These issues will be fixed first in the unstable builds. Check the latest unstable build, it may work. If it does not, the HeroStats developers will be putting out a new unstable build soon.
When the patch goes live, the stable version of HeroStats will be updated to work with the new patch.
HeroStats will run in both Windows Vista and Windows 7. However, if your game is running in full screen mode, then HeroStats will not stay on top (in either normal or in-game window mode). You can work around this by running your game client in windowed mode and sizing the window to maximize your screen size.
HeroStats does use system resources, and thus may cause your system performance to suffer. There are several things you can try to reduce system performance impact:
There can be many reasons that HeroStats may not show a particular power, timer, or statistic, but the most common reason is missing chat channels. To ensure that this is not causing your issue, set up a single tab with all HeroStats data. Instructions for this can be found on this blog post. You don't need to keep that tab selected while playing, it just needs to exist.
Statistics graphing requires tracking of special graph data. The option to track graph data can be found in the Hero Options. If you do not see graphing data, please check that the Store Graph Data option is enabled.
If you still have trouble after adding the new tab, there may be another issue. Please submit a bug report for with an .HSD attached from the play session where you are missing data.
This is an issue with HeroStats.
New updates introduce many new powers and changes, and we are always in the process of making the needed changes. If you would like to help, you can automatically submit these missing messages using the Global Option "Report Missing Chat Messages". If you do not wish to automatically submit files, please submit a bug report for the power with an .HSD attached.
This is an issue with the City of Heroes chat messages.
Many powers do not provide information about damage, accuracy, and other statistics in the chat messages. Without this information, HeroStats is unable to track these statistics. You can find an exhaustive list of all known power issues on our Power Notes page. If you find a power which does show information in a chat message, but is not being recorded, please submit a bug report for the power with an .HSD attached.
This is not a problem with HeroStats. In fact, HeroStats is working properly.
When opening a saved data file from a previous release, HeroStats will recalculate all of the statistics. This helps ensure that the statistics shown are as accurate as possible, and any new statistics tracked by the latest version of HeroStats will be shown. It is recommended that you resave the file after the statistics are recalculated so HeroStats will not have to recalculate every time you open the file.
There are many reasons why updates may not occur to external web sites. To assist you in determining the problem, HeroStats logs any errors it encounters in the chat message log. Within HeroStats, choose View->Chat Messages, then look for any messages with a Channel of HSLog. (An easy way to find them is to click on the Channel heading to sort by channel.) This should give you more information to use in determining the cause of the problem.
Please note that for Titan Network sites, a Titan Key is required to log in. If you are using a legacy login for one of the Titan sites, it will no longer function. You can get a Titan Key here.
You may also want to refer to the HeroStats Blog post on badge tracking setup and ensure that you've set up HeroStats correctly.
You can also submit a bug report about the issue - please include the HSD file from your play session when doing so.
You must use a uniquely-named power in each of your powersets for HeroStats to detect them. For example, using "Strike" for Stalker Claws will detect the powerset, but using "Build Up" will not (since other stalker primaries also have Build Up). If you are having trouble with a particular powerset even after using a uniquely named power, please submit a bug report.
This is an issue with the City of Heroes chat messages.
The chance to-hit combat log messages show two hit-miss messages for some powers (though not all of them) with secondary effects. For instance, Energy Punch shows two hit-miss messages, one for the 30% chance to stun and one for the power itself. These messages are identical except for the chance to hit (and in some cases, that's also the same). Further, the secondary effect message only shows up for misses, not hits. Because of all these factors, the correct accuracy for these powers cannot be determined from the new combat log messages. More information can be found on this blog post.
To work around this, the old method of calculating accuracy is still present in HeroStats.
This is an issue with the City of Heroes chat messages.
Containment causes any damage chat messages to show twice in the message log. Since HeroStats uses many of those damage messages to determine whether the power has hit the target, Containment will cause each single hit to show as two hits. Since Containment is not always active, HeroStats can't simply ignore every other damage message. If the chat messages are changed to indicate which comes from Containment, then HeroStats will be able to correctly track accuracy for these powers.
This is an issue with HeroStats.
The root cause of this issue is unknown at this time. To work around this issue, shut down HeroStats before attempting to shut down Windows.
This is an issue with HeroStats add-on programs, such as CoHLCD.
HeroStats installs will fail if any other programs are running which use the HeroStats files. You must shut down all programs which use HeroStats files, such as CoHLCD, before installing a new version of HeroStats. The best policy is to close all programs before performing any new software installation.
This is an issue with the City of Heroes game client.
The CoH game client does not populate the server until several seconds (sometimes up to a full minute on slower machines) after you log in a character. Since HeroStats depends on the game client to determine all your character's information, including the server, we can't rely on the server name at the time of login. You can work around this issue by restarting HeroStats, or logging in any character with a different name/AT/Origin.
This is an issue with HeroStats.
For performance reasons, HeroStats stores characters powerset information in the hero configuration file, and uses that stored information if it is available. Identically named characters use the same configuration, and thus always show the same powersets. You can work around this issue by checking the "Ignore Stored Powersets" option in the hero configuration.
This is an issue with the City of Heroes game client.
Sometimes the City of Heroes game client leaves garbage characters in the same place where it normally stores the supergroup name. HeroStats can't tell the difference between this and a real supergroup name, so it errs on the side of caution and displays anything the game client puts in that spot. This is not an issue for characters that are in a supergroup.
This is an issue with either HeroStats configuration, or the City of Heroes game client.
The Market channel must be present on your scanned tabs for Market statistics to be gathered. The best way to ensure this is to set up a single tab with all HeroStats data. Instructions for this can be found on this blog post.
Even when the channel is being scanned, the statistics will not be completely accurate. This is an issue with City of Heroes - the messages shown for the Market do not include enough information. For example, there is no way to tell the difference between claiming an item you won, and re-claiming an item you previously stored. Thus it is impossible to have an accurate count of items won.
This is an issue with HeroStats.
We have not yet been able to identify the source of this issue. To work around it, you may remove all powers from the Untimed Powers list on the Timers tab.
The best way to get support for HeroStats is to use the proper mailing list. Several mailing lists are provided:
News & Announcements:
Bug Reports:
General Discussion & Help:
Developer Discussion:
Bug reports should be reported either on the bugs mailing list or in the SourceForge bug tracker located at:
IMPORTANT: Do NOT report HeroStats bugs on the official City of Heroes forums! Those reports will almost certainly be overlooked!
Feature requests are always welcome and should be either sent to the general discussion mailing list or the SourceForge feature request tracker located at:
For any other information, please see the HeroStats web site at:
App.ico | HeroStats application icon. |
ChangeLog.txt | Detailed listing of changes to HeroStats (including beta versions). |
ChatMessageRegexs.dat | The patterns used by HeroStats to identify messages. |
CityOfHeroes.dll | City of Heroes statistics plugin. |
CityOfHeroesData.dll | City of Heroes statistics data formats. |
CrashReport.dll | Crash reporting library. |
Credits.txt | Credits for those who made HeroStats possible. |
HeroControls.dll | Various custom controls for HeroStats. |
HeroStats.exe | Main HeroStats application. |
Internal.wav | Sound file used for default sounds. |
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll | #ZipLib compression library. |
Logger.dll | Various logging functions for HeroStats. |
log4net.dll | Log4net logging library. |
log4net.xml | General Log4net logging library configuration. |
Log4netConfig.xml | HeroStats-specific Log4net configuration. |
License.txt | The GNU General Public License. |
PowerSetData.xml | Mapping of powers to powersets for player characters. |
ProcessMemoryReader.dll | Plugin that manipulates another process. |
Readme.txt | Release notes for the HeroStats release. |
ReportPrinting.dll | Report printing plugin. |
StatsData.dll | Data formats for internal HeroStats statistics processing. |
StatsEngine.dll | Internal HeroStats statistics processing engine. |
Uninstall.exe | Application to uninstall HeroStats. |
WebIntegration.dll | Library for integration to external web sites. |
ZedGraph.dll | ZedGraph .NET Graphing Library. |